
Monday, April 15, 2013

Hit the Road Snowman!


Dear Mr. Snowman,

            I need you off my lawn. It’s been six months since you’ve frozen yourself into place, staring out into the wild blue. I admit that it’s been fun at times.  The fat, lazy snowflakes drifting through birch trees were magical. Piles of soft fluff to sled through and icicles as tall as my children hanging from the eaves were exciting. It was a novelty, at first, to spend my days in complete darkness, for my kids to pretend to be miners and wear headlamps at the bus stop.

But now that your stay is dragging on and on, I’m seeing the true you.  It’s you that turned the roads into sheets of ice making my car slip and slide. It’s you that caused me to fall on my face in front of a middle school full of kids. It’s you that wakes me up to -12 degrees in April. It’s not right and I just can’t let it go on any longer!

We both knew this was only temporary when you first arrived back in October, but I had no idea that you’d still be hanging on in the middle of April.

It’s hard, I know, to say goodbye. But, the truth is, I’ve fallen for someone else. Someone who can give me green grass, blooming flowers and vegetables pulled straight from the Earth. His name is Spring. He lets me walk barefoot without fear of frostbite and stretch out in a hammock in the bright sun. I want to hear the birds twittering in the trees and leave my coat at home.  We both know that’s just not who you are.

            This might be harsh, but I won’t miss you. I know that you’ll be back soon. It’s only a short separation after all. It will do us good. By the time that you return, I’ll have temporarily forgotten all of your annoying habits and will be mesmerized by your magic all over again.   Let go.  It’s over!


Sick of Winter


  1. And I thought it was cold here in Texas the other day. I stress the word day. I can't imagine still having snow. We didn't even have snow during winter, and I would have liked to seen just a little. Hope you get warmer pretty soon.

  2. Ah, what a suave yet elusive suitor is Spring! Love this, Kristi! Sending warm thoughts your way.


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